

Catalogue of Life:
2,34 million scientific names and synonyms of all organisms worldwide

Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg:
28.000 scientific names and synonyms of plants and animals in Baden-Württemberg

Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Flora Deutschlands:
5.000 scientific names of vascular plants in Germany

Recorder D/Bundesamt für Naturschutz:
Twelve checklists of plants and animals in Germany and Europe


  • Version 2.7 is ready for testing. Send an e-mail to support[at]eco-map.de if you want to join the test program.

Eco:Map? What's that?

  • The Situation: You are a biologist standing in open terrain and mapping species. It is windy. You are fighting with your data sheet and the topographic map. Back in the office you have yet to digitalise the data on your computer.
    It is unnerving.
  • The Fantasy: Wouldn't it be nice to have something in your pocket which knows the scientific names? Something that secures the locality automatically? Something that can conveniently transmit the collected data to your computer?
    Yes, this would be nice, you sigh?!
  • The Solution: And here you are! With Eco:Map a newly developed software for your iPad®, iPhone® or iPod® you have - depending on your database - access to more than 2.34 million scientific names and synonyms. Locations are identified by GPS, species are administered separately according to field trips, data is exported browser-based or via e-mail or via iTunes®.

    iPhone showing home screen of Eco:Map